Search Engine Optimization in Tampa

Sometimes it helps to get a little bit of online visibility for a local business. Some of our students have taken to online marketing and we couldn’t be happier! When it come to search engine optimization, it’s something that has to be on the cutting edge of technology. We’re so proud of our student Helmut Hampton, who has started his own Tampa SEO business!

To explain a bit about what he’s been up to, think about this. Whenever you want to buy something, or want to know something, what to do you? You Google it, right? Searching for things online is just so common these days that we don’t think anything of it. But, who decides what comes up when you search? Well, Google does, but they use an algorithm to decide what is the best content and what is just junk. Search engine optimization is basically the art of making a website as best as it can be and making it something that people actually want to go to. There is a lot of technical expertise involved, but our entrepreneurial students aren’t afraid of that!

kpop in tampa

Social Media marketing is a must to successfully do search engine optimization. For a useful list of social media websites, you can check out this Google Doc that shows a handy list of social media websites you can set up for your business. Having a strong brand presence online is important for optimizing your site and you will be glad you did it.

YouTube marketing is also an effective way to help people find the right professionals for jobs around the house. Helmut is working with business’ websites and designing them to be attractive to the search engines. This type of marketing, called SEO, is very valuable for local businesses. When someone types in “plumber Tampa” the plumbers who show up first are the ones who are likely to get that business. How do those plumbers that are at the top get to be at the top? Sometimes it’s just by accident. But, many times it is because they have hired a professional search engine marketer and they have made the site attractive to the search engines. As a result, they rank higher in the searches, get more customers, make more money, improve the local economy, etc. It’s win, win, win!

As you can see, we are very excited to support Helmut Hampton and his local business and charities in Tampa, Fl. With his continued effort we’re sure he will continue to bring great value to his clients and their customers. Click here to check out Helmut Hampton’s Tampa SEO Twitter account.

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